California State Auditor
Report 2010-105, University of California: Supplemental Financial Information, Fiscal Year 2009-10

Total Expense By Fund Category and Campus for Expense Category: Student Services

Fund Category\Campus [show totals] UCOP or Systemwide Programs Berkeley San Francisco Davis Los Angeles Riverside San Diego Santa Cruz Santa Barbara Irvine Merced Total
General Funds $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.01 $0.00 $4.05 $0.00 $4.06
Tuition & Fees ($11,824,619.49) ($76,543,821.27) ($7,928,397.12) ($43,916,528.11) ($46,523,750.06) ($30,721,027.48) ($45,649,180.23) ($44,097,918.12) ($46,525,416.64) ($30,312,112.93) ($3,527,128.31) ($387,569,899.76)
Federal Government $0.00 ($1,928,700.71) $22,849.11 ($428,723.97) ($949,286.65) ($683,315.47) ($5,558,271.49) ($353,388.87) ($346,548.74) ($364,585.82) ($107,499.27) ($10,697,471.88)
Special State Appropriations and Contracts ($481,901.25) ($387,765.63) $0.00 ($662,240.58) ($64,810.06) ($472,553.08) ($1,127,584.93) ($311,604.47) ($5,926.99) ($688,723.96) ($3,854,071.22) ($8,057,182.17)
Local Government $0.00 ($810.66) ($8,673.03) $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 ($7,779.52) $0.00 ($45,779.84) $0.00 $0.00 ($63,043.05)
Endowment and Similar Funds $0.00 ($630,951.35) $0.00 $53.29 ($166,691.49) ($2,684.87) ($184,669.51) ($17,911.73) ($9,005.19) ($62,957.79) $0.00 ($1,074,818.64)
Sales and Services of Auxiliary Organizations $0.00 ($15,186,800.96) $0.00 ($603,856.25) $0.00 ($1,023,120.61) ($1,296,817.93) ($30,614.78) $0.00 $0.00 ($6,503.21) ($18,147,713.74)
Other Sources ($87,653,665.60) ($680,128.81) ($8,152,564.84) ($15,137,034.55) ($19,703,146.50) ($6,059,183.48) ($7,489,706.88) ($4,677,600.86) ($18,704,899.71) ($32,538,804.54) ($613,969.59) ($201,410,705.36)
Reserves $0.00 ($402,118.70) $121,545.56 ($256,800.10) ($562,594.08) ($242,606.76) ($119,936.61) ($196,326.26) ($295,932.82) ($11,147.85) $0.00 ($1,965,917.62)
Total ($99,960,186.34) ($95,761,098.09) ($15,945,240.32) ($61,005,130.27) ($67,970,278.84) ($39,204,491.75) ($61,433,947.10) ($49,685,365.08) ($65,933,509.93) ($63,978,328.84) ($8,109,171.60) ($628,986,748.16)
[show totals]

Source: University of California's corporate financial system. For more information about this data, please see the index page.

Notes: Totals may differ slightly due to rounding.