California State Auditor
Report 2010-105, University of California: Supplemental Financial Information, Fiscal Year 2009-10

Total Expense By Fund for Campus: Berkeley and Expense Category: Student Services and Fund Category: Special State Appropriations and Contracts

Fund [show totals] Amount Total
15375 - CHWR-27420-BASRI-06/12 ($122,730.54) ($122,730.54)
15383 - CHWR-27386-BASRI-06/12 ($267,188.78) ($267,188.78)
15976 - CAL H&W-DOR26335-BASRI-609-FNL $2,342.36 $2,342.36
18499 - YEAR-END ACCRUALS & DEFERRALS $4,280.33 $4,280.33
18998 - VACATION/COMP ACCRUALS $1,814.95 $1,814.95
20498 - YEAR END ACCRUALS $5,367.43 $5,367.43
77747 - CDE-1129-5A-KEELEY-09/30-FNL $43,354.38 $43,354.38
77748 - CADOE-01-3001-00-7-KEELR-FNL $5,607.04 $5,607.04
77767 - DCHWR-27062-DEVLIN-FNL ($1,399.34) ($1,399.34)
96500 - CDOR-27650A-BASRI-12/10 ($59,213.46) ($59,213.46)
Total ($387,765.63) ($387,765.63)
[show totals]

Source: University of California's corporate financial system. For more information about this data, please see the index page.

Notes: Totals may differ slightly due to rounding.