Report I2010-1 Recommendation 20 Responses

Report I2010-1: Investigations of Improper Activities by State Employees: Misuse of State Time and Resources, Improper Gifts, Inadequate Administrative Controls, and Other Violations of State Law January 2009 Through December 2009 (Release Date: June 2010)

Case Number I2009-0629

Recommendation #20 To: Food and Agriculture, Department of

Correct the errors identified by collecting the $1,206 paid to the employee for the 53 hours he did not work or by charging his leave balances accordingly.

Agency Response From May 2010

To address the overpayments to the employee, fair management informed us that it had accounted for the 53 hours and deducted them from the employee's leave balances. Furthermore, fair management stated that it had identified an additional 38 hours it failed to charge against the employee's leave balances in 2009, and indicated that it had also deducted those hours from his leave balances.

California State Auditor's Assessment of Status: Fully Implemented

All Recommendations in I2010-1