Report 2013-124 Recommendation 55 Responses

Report 2013-124: Sexual Harassment and Sexual Violence: California Universities Must Better Protect Students by Doing More to Prevent, Respond to, and Resolve Incidents (Release Date: June 2014)

Recommendation #55 To: University of California, Los Angeles

All universities should create and use a document to share with students that explains what students should expect from the complaint process. At a minimum, it should include an overview of the university's sexual harassment policy, the investigation process, relevant timelines, the legal standard that must be applied to the investigation, and issues related to confidentiality, as well as expectations regarding notification of case status updates and outcomes.

1-Year Agency Response

Information about what students should expect from the complaint process, including an overview of the university's sexual harassment policy, the investigation process, relevant timelines, the legal standard that must be applied to the investigation, and issues related to confidentiality, as well as expectations regarding notification of case status updates and outcomes, was provided to entering FY and TR students in orientation. The U.S. Department of Education's Office for Civil Rights is currently reviewing the UC Systemwide Policy on Sexual Harassment and Sexual Violence and accompanying implementing procedures. At the conclusion of this review, we will re-evaluate the policy language regarding investigation resolution options and how to best communicate those changes with students.

California State Auditor's Assessment of 1-Year Status: Fully Implemented

Although UCLA describes information provided in new student orientation, it subsequently provided evidence of information provided to both the complainant and respondent that explains what the students should expect from the complaint process. Therefore we have assessed this recommendation as fully implemented.

6-Month Agency Response

Information about what students should expect from the complaint process, including an overview of the university's sexual harassment policy, the investigation process, relevant timelines, the legal standard that must be applied to the investigation, and issues related to confidentiality, as well as expectations regarding notification of case status updates and outcomes, was provided to entering FY and TR students in orientation. The checklist used to ensure that Dean of Students officials explain, among other things, the complaint process, a checklist concerning students' rights and responsibilities and available resources is now retained in the case file. The UC Police Department (PD) has created a document, "Reporting a Sexual Assault to the UCLA Police Department." The document will be shared across the campus and includes information describing what students can expect after making a police report.

California State Auditor's Assessment of 6-Month Status: Partially Implemented

60-Day Agency Response

This information is included in orientation for all new students (FY and TR). Various documents have been developed or are in development, including one by the Police Department (PD) describing what the students can expect after making a police report. The checklist used to ensure that Dean of Students officials explain, among other things, the complaint process, a checklist concerning students' rights and responsibilities and available resources is now retained in the case file.

California State Auditor's Assessment of 60-Day Status: Pending

All Recommendations in 2013-124

Agency responses received are posted verbatim.