Report 2010-112 Recommendation 7 Responses

Report 2010-112: Employment Development Department: Its Unemployment Program Has Struggled to Effectively Serve California's Unemployed in the Face of Significant Workload and Fiscal Challenges (Release Date: March 2011)

Recommendation #7 To: Technology, California Department of

To help ensure that the department completes the alternate base period project by the federal deadline so that the State preserves its eligibility to receive $839 million in incentive funds, the California Technology Agency should closely monitor the department's progress toward implementing the client database and alternate base period projects and provide assistance to the department, as necessary.

1-Year Agency Response

According to its one-year response, the Technology Agency monitored monthly project status reports and project schedules and met with the department bi-weekly to review progress, issues, and risks specific to the Alternate Base Period project. (2013-406, p. 129)

California State Auditor's Assessment of 1-Year Status: Fully Implemented

All Recommendations in 2010-112

Agency responses received after June 2013 are posted verbatim.