California State Auditor
Report 2010-105, University of California: Supplemental Financial Information, Fiscal Year 2009-10

Total Expense By Fund Group and Campus for Expense Category: Operation and Maintenance of Plant and Fund Category: Other Sources

Fund Group\Campus [show totals] UCOP or Systemwide Programs Berkeley San Francisco Davis Los Angeles Riverside San Diego Santa Cruz Santa Barbara Irvine Merced Total
*SERVICE ENTERPRISES $0.00 ($24,507.90) ($2,200,311.53) $160,078.34 $0.00 $0.00 ($138,401.31) $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 ($472,433.28) ($2,675,575.68)
FED CONTRACT & GRANTS ICR-OTHER $0.00 ($431,561.00) ($2,810,171.45) $0.00 ($720,335.12) $0.00 ($3,780,214.17) $0.00 ($1,515,387.55) ($1,548,693.20) $0.00 ($10,806,362.49)
DEFERRED MAINTENENCE $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 ($7,049,095.29) ($3,780,490.53) $0.00 ($932,979.37) ($7,140.00) $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 ($11,769,705.19)
PLANT SERVICE $0.00 $41,445.18 ($1,115,567.20) $537,016.78 $1,038,612.73 ($163,488.64) ($578,285.73) $38,647.80 $756,063.52 ($744,061.78) $0.00 ($189,617.34)
FED CONTRACT & GRANTS-OFF THE TOP $0.00 ($796,707.80) $0.00 ($233,356.50) $0.00 $0.00 ($418,375.61) ($12,526.24) ($1,594.16) ($117,872.50) $0.00 ($1,580,432.81)
OTHER ($88,576,907.47) ($5,761,897.37) ($23,287,547.07) ($2,541,820.37) ($23,396,784.51) ($869,580.47) ($499,521.88) $331,675.36 ($548,771.77) ($1,003,261.92) ($86,435.27) ($146,240,852.74)
Total ($88,576,907.47) ($6,973,228.89) ($29,413,597.25) ($9,127,177.04) ($26,858,997.43) ($1,033,069.11) ($6,347,778.07) $350,656.92 ($1,309,689.96) ($3,413,889.40) ($558,868.55) ($173,262,546.25)
[show totals]

Source: University of California's corporate financial system. For more information about this data, please see the index page.

Notes: Totals may differ slightly due to rounding.