California State Auditor
Report 2010-105, University of California: Supplemental Financial Information, Fiscal Year 2009-10

Total Expense By Fund for Campus: San Francisco and Expense Category: Institutional Support and Fund Category: Reserves

Fund [show totals] Amount Total
75022 - ALUMNI HOUSE RESERVE FUND ($933.18) ($933.18)
75027 - HR-DEV & TRNG RESERVE $14.27 $14.27
75041 - EMPLOYEE SUPPORT PROGRAM $2,366,746.54 $2,366,746.54
75075 - PR YR RES LHTS CONF CTR $3,120.50 $3,120.50
75109 - DISTRIBU/STORAGE PRIOR YEARS' FUND ($400.19) ($400.19)
75110 - DOCUMENTS/MEDIA PRIOR YEAR RESERVE ($192.82) ($192.82)
75235 - PUB AFF-UNIVERSITY PUBLICATIONS RES ($1,678.00) ($1,678.00)
75501 - ENVIRONMENTAL & SAFETY RESERVE $8,099.83 $8,099.83
75520 - RESERVE-SW SELF-INS AUTO FLEET ($24,448.93) ($24,448.93)
75551 - AVC FINANCE-RESV. FOR IMPROVEMENTS $72,187.01 $72,187.01
75612 - TEMPORARY EMPLOYMENT POOL VL LIAB ($737.87) ($737.87)
75906 - PRIOR YEAR GAEL CONTINGENCY RESERVE $1,836,032.43 $1,836,032.43
75997 - YE CF CAP EXP ELIM- RESERVES $30,700.70 $30,700.70
75999 - RESERVES-ACCRUED VACATION $114,694.08 $114,694.08
Total $4,403,226.18 $4,403,226.18
[show totals]

Source: University of California's corporate financial system. For more information about this data, please see the index page.

Notes: Totals may differ slightly due to rounding.