California State Auditor
Report 2010-105, University of California: Supplemental Financial Information, Fiscal Year 2009-10

Total Expense By Fund for Campus: Berkeley and Expense Category: Student Services and Fund Group: FED GRANTS & COOP AGREEMENTS

Fund [show totals] Amount Total
10953 - USDOED-P042A050654-BASRI-08/10 ($521,383.39) ($521,383.39)
11259 - USEDUC-P042A060129-BASRI-08/10 ($244,629.06) ($244,629.06)
11842 - ED-P217A070097-BASRI-09/10 ($338,143.34) ($338,143.34)
23490 - PO33A70638CWS-FWSP JLD ($50,000.00) ($50,000.00)
23492 - WSP FED/COMM SERV 09-10 ON ($38,953.33) ($38,953.33)
23512 - WSP FED P033A020638 ON 09-10 ($255,876.96) ($255,876.96)
24139 - P217A030124-MASL-09/07-FNL ($16,664.50) ($16,664.50)
24716 - DHHS-U79SM05847701-CVLLO-9/11 ($113,332.65) ($113,332.65)
24996 - YEAR-END ACCRUALS & DEFERRALS ($18,934.37) ($18,934.37)
24997 - VACATION/COMP ACCRUALS $1,411.18 $1,411.18
24998 - CAP LEASE/PURCHASE REVERSALS $33,904.00 $33,904.00
29968 - DOED-P335A090281-GOPNIK-9/13 ($65,447.50) ($65,447.50)
32342 - P042A010589-MASLACH-08/05-FNL ($11.65) ($11.65)
33983 - FAO-FIN AID ADMIN ALLOWANCE ($318,352.32) ($318,352.32)
Total ($1,946,413.89) ($1,946,413.89)
[show totals]

Source: University of California's corporate financial system. For more information about this data, please see the index page.

Notes: Totals may differ slightly due to rounding.