Report I2017-1 Recommendation 27 Responses

Report I2017-1: Investigations of Improper Activities by State Agencies and Employees: Misuse of Resources, Inaccurate Attendance Records, Disclosure of Confidential Information, and Improper Payments (Release Date: March 2017)

Case Number I2016-0276

Recommendation #27 To: Fresno, California State University

California State University, Fresno (Fresno State) should continue to implement the recommendations it made regarding the investigation. Specifically, Fresno State recommended that the library employee's supervisor and lead staff member identify alternative work that the library employee can complete while he is serving as the official library resource, instruct the library employee to limit his Internet use on his work computer during both breaks and lunch, identify online work-related training for the library employee to access during work time if he has completed all of his assigned work for that shift or has other available time during his work hours, and provide more direct supervision of the library employee to ensure that he uses his work time to benefit the needs of the library.

Agency Response From April 2017

Fresno State reported that it assigned the library employee with additional duties and responsibilities within his job classification, which have been included in his position description form (duty statement). In addition, Fresno State issued to the library employee a notice of outcome letter, which advises him to limit his Internet use. Fresno State also provided the library employee with training related to his additionally assigned responsibilities. Further, Fresno Stated assigned the library employee to a new work schedule (day shift on Monday through Friday) and stated that the additional duties will not allow him any downtime. Finally, Fresno State stated that the library employee's supervisors meet with him bi-weekly to discuss the status of his assignments and to ensure that his duties are completed.

California State Auditor's Assessment of Status: Fully Implemented

All Recommendations in I2017-1