Report 2012-113 Recommendation 19 Responses

Report 2012-113: California State University's Extended Education: It Is Unclear Whether Supplanting Occurred, and Campuses Did Not Always Document Their Adherence to Laws, Policies, and Procedures (Release Date: December 2013)

Recommendation #19 To: Sacramento, California State University

To ensure that it sets self-supported extended education fees in accordance with state law and Executive Order 1054, CSU Sacramento should immediately take the following action: revise its student fee policy to specifically require the development, appropriate consideration, and retention of statements of revenues and expenditures when establishing or adjusting future fees for extended education courses and programs.

60-Day Agency Response

The student fee policy and procedures were revised on January 13, 2014. Please see the attached documents or linked on our Student Fee Advisory Committee webpage at

California State Auditor's Assessment of 60-Day Status: Fully Implemented

CSU Sacramento's Student Fee Policy, effective January 13, 2014, states in part:

** "The review process includes the development of a statement of revenues and expenditures for consideration by the President ... prior to establishing, adjusting, or abolishing a campus student fee."

** "The associate vice president for Budget Planning and Administration or his/her designee is responsible to conduct a review of the reason for the [fee] request, the proposed fees, and the required revenue and expenditure statements. ... For extended education courses and programs, development, appropriate consideration, and retention of statements of revenues and expenditures is required when establishing or adjusting fees."

** "All supporting documents provided for the fee submittal and the President's approval/denial memo will be retained per the campus' retention policy."

All Recommendations in 2012-113

Agency responses received are posted verbatim.