Report 2010-108 Recommendation 17 Responses

Report 2010-108: Department of Public Health: It Reported Inaccurate Financial Information and Can Likely Increase Revenues for the State and Federal Health Facilities Citation Penalties Accounts (Release Date: June 2010)

Recommendation #17 To: Public Health, Department of

To make certain that it fully implements the recommendations made in our April 2007 audit report, Public Health should create written procedures specifying that expenditure reports should be reviewed monthly by an accounting analyst within the division to determine whether all charges apply to temporary manager payments. Further, Public Health should include in its written policies and procedures that general support items should not be charged to the penalty accounts.

1-Year Agency Response

Public Health stated that it finalized and implemented the procedures specifying that expenditure reports should be reviewed by an accounting analyst within Public Health on a monthly basis. Additionally, in June 2010, Public Health circulated written policies and procedures to staff which noted that general support items should not be charged to the penalty accounts. . (See 2012-406, p. 30)

California State Auditor's Assessment of 1-Year Status: Fully Implemented

All Recommendations in 2010-108

Agency responses received after June 2013 are posted verbatim.