Report 2010-108 Recommendation 12 Responses

Report 2010-108: Department of Public Health: It Reported Inaccurate Financial Information and Can Likely Increase Revenues for the State and Federal Health Facilities Citation Penalties Accounts (Release Date: June 2010)

Recommendation #12 To: Public Health, Department of

To ensure that citation review conferences are completed expeditiously, Public Health should monitor its progress in processing appealed citations for Class AA and Class B violations as well as OAH’s progress in processing appealed citations for Class A violations.

1-Year Agency Response

Public Health stated that it now has a project manager responsible for tracking and coordinating citation review conferences and noted that it decreased the backlog for Class AA and Class B violations. Public Health stated that the backlog of Class A violations has risen after terminating the OAH contract, but anticipates this number will decrease because three retired annuitants are dedicated to conducting citation review conferences. (See 2012-406, p. 28)

California State Auditor's Assessment of 1-Year Status: Fully Implemented

All Recommendations in 2010-108

Agency responses received after June 2013 are posted verbatim.