Report 2009-043 Recommendation 25 Responses

Report 2009-043: Board of Pilot Commissioners for the Bays of San Francisco, San Pablo and Suisun: It Needs to Develop Procedures and Controls Over Its Operations and Finances to Ensure That It Complies With Legal Requirements (Release Date: November 2009)

Recommendation #25 To: Pilot Commissioners for the Bays of San Francisco, San Pablo and Suisun, Board of

To ensure that all pilots complete required training within the specified time frames, the board should schedule pilots for training within the period specified in state law and board regulations.

1-Year Agency Response

The board implemented a checklist to track each pilots training cycle and the expiration dates for the three-year and five-year training periods to ensure timely attendance at board-mandated training. The board told us that it directed staff to begin the formal rulemaking process to amend regulations to require all pilots to complete both combination and manned-model training courses once in every five years. The proposed amendments are awaiting public comments. Further, the board states it initiated a contract amendment to include the requirement that pilots receiving manned-model training are evaluated upon completion of the training and that the completed evaluation be forwarded to the board for review. The amended contract is under review by the Department of General Services. The board expects to complete these activities by December 31, 2010. (See 2011-406, p. 97)

California State Auditor's Assessment of 1-Year Status: Fully Implemented

Subsequent to the original publication of this response, the state auditor considered this recommendation to be fully implemented.

All Recommendations in 2009-043

Agency responses received after June 2013 are posted verbatim.