Report 2009-043 Recommendation 15 Responses

Report 2009-043: Board of Pilot Commissioners for the Bays of San Francisco, San Pablo and Suisun: It Needs to Develop Procedures and Controls Over Its Operations and Finances to Ensure That It Complies With Legal Requirements (Release Date: November 2009)

Recommendation #15 To: Pilot Commissioners for the Bays of San Francisco, San Pablo and Suisun, Board of

To adhere to requirements regarding administrative practices, the board should formalize a procedure for evaluating the executive director’s performance on an annual basis.

1-Year Agency Response

The board adopted a procedure to evaluate the executive director on an annual basis. (See 2011-406, p. 99)

California State Auditor's Assessment of 1-Year Status: Fully Implemented

All Recommendations in 2009-043

Agency responses received after June 2013 are posted verbatim.