Report 2007-102.2 Recommendation 5 Responses

Report 2007-102.2: California State University: It Is Inconsistent in Considering Diversity When Hiring Professors, Management Personnel, Presidents, and System Executives (Release Date: December 2007)

Recommendation #5 To: University, California State

To ensure that campuses employ hiring practices that are consistent with laws and regulations, the university should issue systemwide guidance on the hiring process for professors. In developing this guidance, the university should devise and implement a uniform method for campuses to use when calculating availability of data to better enable the university to identify and compare availability and placement goals systemwide and among campuses. Additionally, direct campuses to compare and report the gender and ethnicity of their current workforce to the labor pool by individual department to ensure that placement goals are meaningful and useful to those involved in the hiring process.

Annual Follow-Up Agency Response From October 2013

While some variation in analytical methodology from campus to campus exists, a university task force concluded that allowing campuses some flexibility in carrying out their analysis and developing the campus affirmative action plan was appropriate and did not recommend a system wide mandate. However, the training module described in our response and available at (Module 1, Non discrimination and Affirmative Action Programs) provides a step by step description of an availability analysis and the development of placement goals.

California State Auditor's Assessment of Annual Follow-Up Status: Will Not Implement

Annual Follow-Up Agency Response From December 2010

While some variation in analytical methodology from campus to campus exists, a university task force concluded that allowing campuses some flexibility in carrying out their analysis and developing the campus affirmative action plan was appropriate and did not recommend a system wide mandate. However, the training module described in our response and available at (Module 1, Non discrimination and Affirmative Action Programs) provides a step by step description of an availability analysis and the development of placement goals.

California State Auditor's Assessment of Annual Follow-Up Status: Will Not Implement

All Recommendations in 2007-102.2

Agency responses received after June 2013 are posted verbatim.