California State Auditor
Report 2010-105, University of California: Supplemental Financial Information, Fiscal Year 2009-10

Amount By Fund and Amount Type for Fund Group: FEDERAL CONTRACTS-ARRA

Fund Number [show totals]Fund NameCampus Total
25508PHS ARRA HHSN271200800035C MARTONESan Diego $219,706.12 $219,706.12
25751ARRA/HHSN271200800006C-04WIGAL J26.Irvine $28,155.31 $28,155.31
26309USGS/IPA/ARRA/10ARRAE069 AGNEWSan Diego $6,470.15 $6,470.15
26410ARRA MCA UCLA-49082 PATAKI B26.0 8/Irvine $11,327.43 $11,327.43
26950HHSN268201000018C ARRASan Francisco $425,180.14 $425,180.14
28100LBNL-6902617-GLASER-12/10Berkeley $27,326.18 $27,326.18
28101LBNL-6913455-WALLACE-07/11Berkeley $125,831.59 $125,831.59
28102LBNL-6915192-BORENSTEIN-9/10Berkeley $42,510.00 $42,510.00
28103LBNL-6916627-TOMMELEIN-07/11Berkeley $18,910.32 $18,910.32
78827ARRA F/JOHNSHOPK 2000824375STARKJ53Irvine $9,805.25 $9,805.25
78856ARRA U AL 000341581-001 FORTHAL J53Irvine $1,241.69 $1,241.69
78857ARRA NO CA INST RSCH 1465 PTKIN J26Irvine $5,393.00 $5,393.00
78873ARRA UCSD UCSD-49677 CT POTKIN J53Irvine $3,452.00 $3,452.00
81186ARRA NIH/NCI HHSN261200622009CDavis $64,039.66 $64,039.66
87000ARRA NAS203144TOMULTI CHMRS 2/11Santa Cruz $793,852.63 $793,852.63
87001ARRA NASA 089R1DTAFS_ARP 2/11Santa Cruz $182.15 $182.15
Total $1,783,383.62 $1,783,383.62
[show totals]

Source: University of California's corporate financial system. For more information about this data, please see the index page.

Notes: Totals may differ slightly due to rounding.